At Xaerus, our most valuable resource is our people. Safety is our number one priority. While quality and productivity are our goals, they will never take precedence over the safety of our employees. Our safety program revolves around training our employees on workplace hazards they can come in contact with daily. We arm them with the tools and knowledge to mitigate these risks to work safely every day.
All Xaerus manufacturing processes, resources, and materials are selected based on offering extended life and environmental friendliness.
Our formulations are conscious of finished fluid hazards and the environment. Personal and environmental risks can be caused if lubricants are not designed, produced, or applied correctly. We are dedicated to producing non-toxic, non-hazardous long-life lubricants required to preserve the health of people and our planet.
Extended service life is inherent to all our products. This life extension results in reduced replacement, disposal, and transportation costs and the wasted resources associated with each.